Parental Control: How to Regulate Our Children's Computer Habits | Total Security Software

Parental Control: How to Regulate Our Children's Computer Habits | Total Security Software

Our children are now part of those generations that come into contact with technology already at the moment of birth: it should therefore come as no surprise, as indicated by a  2013 study, that children start using the Internet from the age of three. 

This year there was a real "mass migration" from the physical to the online world due to the Covid pandemic, which forced schools and institutes to introduce distance learning and close physical locations. As a result, online training has suddenly become a necessity that we and our children have had to adapt to, getting used to videoconferencing training instead of the classic face-to-face training. 

What we all know very well now is that computers offer enormous advantages, even in the learning of the youngest, but they open a certain "window of risk" by exposing children to a series of risks and pitfalls. A fact with which it is necessary to live with, in the evidence that it is not possible, in this digital and hyper-connected world, to completely exclude the youngest from the web: what we can do together instead is to make sure that our children use the Internet responsibly by moderating how they access the computer. 

Internet browsing control

There are hundreds of thousands of malicious websites on the web that target children in various forms: they are chock full of inappropriate content, they attack their data and, in some cases, they are even a psychological and physical health risk. 

The function Parental Control of  Total Security Software is easy to use and allows children to use the internet positively and constructively. It makes it possible to regulate access to websites by categories (adults, chat, violence, etc.), preventing access to those sites that show content that can be classified according to these categories. It also guarantees the possibility of setting certain periods of time during which the Internet can be used: just schedule them through the Settings window. 

Application Control

The applications are now thousands of thousands and, in some cases, are proposed in a very insistent way to users. Some of these applications keep the youngest in their sights: behind familiar images or images related to the world of comics or cartoons, scams and dangers are very often hidden. These applications are designed to access the computer as quickly as possible, causing harmful consequences that children are often unable to detect. Fortunately, it is not difficult to regulate our children's use of apps. Parental Control provides two different solutions: Web Browsing Control allows you to restrict access to only a specific and reduced number of app categories. 

Alternatively, you can block not categories of applications, but specific applications. It is possible to manually indicate the specific applications of which you want to prohibit the use, according to what you consider most suitable for your children. The combined use of these application control features ensures a secure and controlled web environment. 

PC Access Control

The negative effects of excessive exposure of children to screens are well documented. Psychologists and pediatricians recommending moderation in the use of the PC and exposure to screens, to avoid damage and addiction.

Parental Control's Access Control feature helps you decide when and how much your children can use the computer. Free access can always be guaranteed, or two different types of restrictions can be imposed:
daily limit, which allows you to set a maximum limit of hours in which the user can have access to the computer. Once the daily limit is exceeded, the user is prevented from accessing the computer;
time limit, which allows you to set time slots within which you can access the computer. 


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