How Do I Get Rid of Viruses in the Computer | Antivirus

How Do I Get Rid of Viruses in the Computer | Antivirus

An introduction

Who among us does not own a computer or laptop, we are now in the era of accelerating technology, so our lives have become mainly and heavily dependent on computers and laptops to perform our daily jobs and work that we do, as we have become doing many interviews and meetings through the Internet and using many of the programs that we install On devices, which has become the main reason for our rapid and increasing interest in using the Internet, and despite the importance of computers and the many programs that have appeared that have proven the ability of humans to change and develop, many people have tried to use technology and a person’s desire to develop and learn to trap him with viruses that may befall him. Damage to his computer, laptop, and even installed programs and important files. One of the most common problems that we face all the time is the emergence of viruses on the computer.


It is a program that penetrates computer files and programs, destroys files and programs,, and hides them, and these viruses may be transmitted by using flash memory on more than one device, and from downloading some anonymous programs.

Antivirus programs

They are programs that we install on computers and laptops that work to detect viruses and locate them and take the appropriate action to stop viruses from working, as each program has many different characteristics that help take the appropriate action when your computer is infected with a virus.

Get rid of viruses

Using anti-virus programs: There are many anti-virus programs spread around the world and their mission is to clean your computer from viruses, stop viruses and freeze them, as there are some programs that delete virus-infected files.

Format for the operating system: When you format the operating system and re-download it on the device again, you will get rid of viruses permanently, and an anti-virus program must be installed to ensure that it is not infected with viruses again.

To ensure your device is protected from virus infection, try to avoid using flash memory from more than one device, as it works to transfer viruses and then destroy files, and you should not install any anonymous program, and we also recommend that you format your computer and re-download Windows from New every 6 months.

All of us are exposed to viruses on our computers and laptops, and for this, use our previous instructions, through which you will be in control of your device and over the viruses that try to penetrate your device, and you must also make sure that anyone is allowed to use your own device without standing by it to ensure that you are not exploited and your device is used and thus files are destroyed Important.

After you know all kinds of antivirus, such as the standalone that is carried on flash memory and used to check any external device, or the basic ones that are downloaded, installed, and started to run, or those that are online

How to choose an antivirus

But choosing a protection program may be a difficult matter because it depends on several basics, and once you know these basics and follow them. You are absolutely sure that you will finally get the best antivirus program suitable for you:


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