How to Protect Yourself From Smishing Attacks | Total Security

How to Protect Yourself From Smishing Attacks | Total Security

 What is phishing:

If you have a keen interest in security and the world of hacking, you may be well aware of phishing scams, as phishing is a hacking attempt that uses email as a weapon to carry out attacks, and the ultimate goal of a phishing attack is to convince users to believe that email is something they want or need. , And the phishing e-mail may appear as a request from the bank, a memo from the company, promotions, a sweepstakes prize, etc., and asking you to provide your bank information, Social Security numbers, credit/debit card details, etc. Phishing scams in the name of " smishing "

What is a smishing attack?

The smashing attack is an SMS version of a phishing attack, and in Smishing hackers use SMS instead of email templates to lure recipients into providing credentials by replying to text messages, and since everyone is well aware of phishing scams, hackers are now using this new technology. To attract innocent users, as it is basically a type of deception, but in this, the fraudster or fraudsters deceive the users into giving up their sensitive data such as bank details, credit card details, etc. by replying to text messages or SMS.

Smile attacks are becoming more and more common these days, which is something that many people have never encountered before, and unfortunately, people are not aware of the increasing threats of smishing, and this is what makes this technique more dangerous than deception, and you will not believe it, but some fraudsters also send texts containing links, If clicked, it will install KL spyware that tracks keyloggers, and if you click on this link on your phone (and you shouldn't), you will end up with a fake Amazon site (phishing site) with a "free bonus", The site will ask for your credit card information about "shipping fees", and if you provide payment details, you will be billed $ 98.95 per month.

Anyway, below we have shared some of the best ways to protect yourself from smishing attacks:


At first, be aware of how this type of fraud works, and if you understand how it works, you will be on the safe side and better positioned to recognize smile attacks.

Always be sure to look at the source of the text message, and by source, we mean the number where the text message comes from, as hackers can also spoof the number from where the text message is coming from, but this is rare.

Don't give too much priority to fake delivery alerts, and if you've just received a delivery notification from an unknown number, it's best to avoid opening attachments and links.

Avoid entering sensitive information such as bank details after clicking on a link in an SMS message, and do not reply to SMS messages asking you to give up your personal information.

Do not download and install applications that are sent to you via email or text messages.

Make sure to use a mobile security app with an SMS filtering feature, and you can use McAfee Mobile security to filter out spam and SMS messages

Do not send sensitive information in response to strange texts, whether someone is messaging with you claiming to be a legitimate business or sending a message like "Hey, this is your wife, I just got a new phone - what's your Social Security number again?" It is a good idea to contact this business or person directly to make sure you don't talk to an impostor trying to deceive you.

Watch out for "very good" things, like "free" rewards that need your credit card number for a reason.

In conclusion, my friend who follows the honorable Technology Hall website, both iPhone and Android phones allow you to automatically block spam text messages, and just like blocking unwanted phone calls, you will install an application that contains a blacklist of spam senders, and when you receive a message from one of these Bad suspected numbers, they will be filtered automatically, and if you receive a lot of unwanted text messages, we strongly recommend that you take action and proactively block them with such apps, and if you receive some unwanted messages, you can always block the number that sends it on iPhone or Android, just be careful and think before you reveal any sensitive.

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