Protecting Information in the Internet Browser | Free Antivirus Software

Protecting Information in the Internet Browser | Free Antivirus Software

To view websites, we use a special program - a browser. This program has a special visual editor that displays the site code. There are many browsers, but most have the same functionality.

For example, browsers have a function for saving passwords. It is very convenient to enter the site without entering a password and login every time. But this feature can turn into problems. For example, this function can be enabled on someone else's computer, from which you went online or someone came from your computer. Using the function of saving passwords on your computer is possible if you are sure that the computer is inaccessible to other people, for example, a password is set for entering the computer. On someone else's computer, you must check the box "Someone else's computer", in this case, the password saving function is disabled.

Another useful feature is autocompleting. You can enter your name, address and other personal information once and the program will automatically substitute it. Another user on the same computer will see the completed forms when they visit the same page. To prevent others from using this information, enable the browser option when entering confidential information.

In conclusion. An attacker can find out which pages you have visited and see auto-complete forms on them thanks to another browser option - the history of visited pages. The surfing history is generated by the browser automatically and, most importantly, its purpose is the ability to return the page back or restore events when you click the "Go Back" button. When working on someone else's computer, it is better to use incognito mode, in which history is not saved.

Cheating at work on the Internet: typing, sorting images, etc.

This type of deception is associated with the desire of people to make money on the Internet. Many people have heard that it is possible to make quite real money on the Internet, but they just do not understand how to do it, and as a result, they fall for the bait of scammers.

Now I will try to explain in what ways and ways scammers act, how they extort money from gullible citizens.

So, you receive a letter on your e-mail (sometimes entire Internet sites are created for fraudulent purposes, often made very professionally and looking quite respectable). So, either in one way or another, the future victim receives a message with the content that, they say, some super-serious company "Horns and Hooves" offers a high-paying job to everyone. And the work consists of a set of texts from scanned images that will be sent to the employee. At the same time, they offer a very decent payment, many people fall for this bait.

The victim fills out a questionnaire and sends it to the specified email address (most often it is located on a free mail server). The answer from the alleged administration of the company comes pretty quickly. The answer says that they are ready to provide the job seeker even now, but here is such a thing ...

In general, to start work, the applicant must send to the indicated e-wallets a certain amount of collateral (most often 100-200 rubles), ostensibly as a guarantee that the company will not be left without work results - texts typed by the applicant.

After sending money, replies to letters no longer come, there are no tasks either, and the site soon disappears somewhere without a trace.

A few tips not to be thrown: ask the employer for at least his cell phone number. Sometimes employers really come across who need to type text from scans, but they NEVER demand any collateral from the performer and so on. If you have done a job, you will receive money, then you can work more.

A variation of the above fraudulent method is to advertise a slightly different type:

"Firm" Horns Inc. " is recruiting image sorters. must scatter in thematic folders. But again, as in the first case, the victim is required to pay a deposit for sending the disc and at the expense of guaranteeing its integrity.

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As soon as the money is transferred, the e-mails stop responding, and no one receives any images.


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