What is Cyber-stalking? Free Antivirus Software

What is Cyber-stalking? Free Antivirus Software

Cyberbullying became more common than physical bullying. The socially dangerous, "sharpened" on the pursuit of other people, now has dozens of convenient, online methods of attacking their prey.

Using email and social networks, cyberstalkers can quite easily track the privacy of almost any user. Cyberbullying is a sad and disturbing part of modern society, and the situation is only getting worse.

How to define cyberbullying.

Cyberbullying is a very serious form of online harassment. Cyberbullying is in many ways on par with cyberbullying as it involves sending a ton of annoying and unwanted messages. But cyberbullying goes further than cyberbullying in terms of motivation and tactics. Including an obsession and a perverse desire to even control the target in some way without stopping to attack her family members. Cyberstalkers simply torment someone, it is not enough, they want to subordinate the goal and are ready to include people close to it in the treatment to achieve the result.

What Cyberstalking looks like.

Cyberbullying uses email, social media, text messaging, and Sexting as its primary tool. You will learn what Sexting is in another article. They use online dating services, discussion forums, and mobile phones to stalk their prey. If the stalker is an experienced user, he will use these tools in combination.

Cyberstalker usually has four goals:

to find,


emotionally disturb,

to criminally manipulate prey.

In some cases, the cyberstalker will hunt the target's family, friends, and colleagues to accomplish their tasks.

Who are Cyberstalkers?

Cyberstalkers come from all walks of life and are often emotionally imbalanced. They may be motivated by revenge for an offence, or anger over unrequited love. Whatever their motivation, cyberstalkers want to control their prey through direct intimidation or indirect manipulation.

A cyberstalker can be:

Former boyfriend/girlfriend,

Ex-wife / husband,

Former classmate,

The person you met in real life

The person you met online

Colleague or manager

The fellow traveller with whom you ride the bus every day,

The stranger who found your letter on the Internet

A casual acquaintance on a social network.

Cyberbullying is practised by quite ordinary people with psychological problems. The real scary thing is that cyberstalkers can be just random - that is, you don't need to know them to be targeted by a cyberstalker. Some cyberstalkers simply select arbitrary targets online.

Good news for online dating:

According to ECHO University of Bedford, there are still very few cyberbullying sites on dating sites (i.e. less than 4% of victims). So if you are looking for online dating, the risk of running into a cyberstalker is still quite low.

The bad news:

The University of Bedford has revealed that many of the victims of cyberbullying were actually targeted by complete strangers. This means: cyberbullying can be accidental. And, in principle, any Internet user can be subjected to cyber harassment. While the vast majority of those reading this article are perfectly normal people, there are probably one or two random unbalanced people who will find you on the Internet and decide to fixate on you.

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