10 Reasons to Always Lock Your Phone and Secure with Antivirus Total Security

10 Reasons to Always  Lock Your Phone and  Secure with Antivirus Total Security

Smartphones are now part of our daily lives. In addition to allowing us to make calls and send text messages, these devices can send and receive emails, do banking transactions, take photos or videos, post on social media, and much more.

Thus, many people record a good part of their life on their phones, without necessarily worrying about and how to protect for many kinds of virus we protect with Protegent360 antivirus total security this antivirus safe your phone for harmful virus security aspect. This is why mobile phones are now a prime target for fraudsters.

In order to avoid handing over part of your personal life to unscrupulous people, here are some tips to help you better protect your phone against theft and fraud.

1- a Wealth of Information at Your Fingertips

cellular keyboard password

An unlocked mobile device is a wealth of personal and banking information for a thief or fraudster.

The very first thing you should do is set up a security code on your mobile device. A 4-digit code is better than no protection, but be aware that on all types of devices, it is possible to configure an alphanumeric code (numbers and letters), or even with special characters. Do you like your phone? So, lock it!

2- Two-step validation

Facebook validation

Some sites offer additional protection against access from unauthorized devices: a validation code must be entered in order to access the site. On Google sites, we must have access to an application that changes this code every 60 seconds. On other sites, like Facebook, you are sent a text message to your phone.

If a fraudster has got hold of your phone, they will receive the text message whether or not your phone is locked.

So be sure to choose a method other than sending a text message, if possible, in order to better protect yourself.

3- Your Email Account Is Precious

tablet email account

If a fraudster gains access to your email account, they could use a password recovery feature for other services you have subscribed to. In some cases, the server will ask for the old password, but in others, a temporary password is provided, which instantly gives access to anyone who has been able to retrieve that validation email.

It is important to find out how your password can be reset from your Internet provider or the site you are using (Gmail.com, Outlook.com, or other).

4- Beware of Public Wi-fi


It can be tempting to use public terminals offering free wireless connection with your phone, but if you do, be aware that anything passing through them (including your access code on banking sites) can be picked up by malicious people, who also have access to it.

If you're using a free wireless connection, make sure it's only (or mostly) for browsing the web. Try to avoid visiting sites where you have to type in a password.

5- Do not notify the planet of your travels

Facebook or Twitter status

The photo was taken as well as your Facebook or Twitter statuses may contain geolocation information. That is, those who see them know exactly where the photo was taken or where you were when the status was sent.

Make sure to turn off geolocation options in your phone settings, or directly in apps where your location may be made public.

6- Be careful of the photos you take

selfie photo on cellphone

It often happens that we take pictures of ourselves (those famous selfies), our children, our car,or the neighborhood around.

Imagine if a malicious person got their hands on these photos and managed to identify you, identify your vehicle, or identify the street where you live.

With your name, address, and some other relatively easy-to-find information, a fraudster can attempt to steal your identity.

7- Ease for You, Ease for Fraudsters

password and nightmare

Do you spend a lot of time on Facebook or other social networks? You have probably saved your name and password in order to access these applications on your phone more quickly.

However, be aware that if someone did manage to break into your phone, they could grab your account (or accounts) and pretend to be you, and maybe they could get some information out. to friends or relatives!

Take the extra few seconds to type in your password each time you go to any of the social networks so that your account is more secure.

8- Banking or Credit Card Information

credit card

Just like with social media, you may have allowed a site to save your credit card information in order to speed up or simplify the buying process on future visits.

However, someone in possession of your phone could very well make purchases without your knowledge or commit fraud and thus tarnish your credit rating.

Make sure you never allow a site to record your credit information. Sites usually allow you to check or uncheck a box to this effect.

9- Phishing Is Also Present on Mobile


Whether it's a fake email or text message claiming to come from your financial institution, a friend or some other business, phishing can also happen on a mobile phone.

If you receive an email from your banking institution, a company you know, or a friend in a tone implying that you must act urgently to avoid potential problems, beware… and call them directly to ask them if there is really a problem.

10- Easier Than You Think ...

cellular and USB wire

Did you know that there are ways to browse content on a phone in just a few minutes? Someone just needs to get their hands on your device and plug it into a computer with a spy device like this (a simple over-the-counter USB stick!) And that person can recover your photos. , contacts, your browsing history, and text messages, even if they have been deleted.

So never leave your phone unattended or on the corner of a table where it's easy for someone walking past to steal it.


It is very difficult, if not impossible, to protect a mobile phone from all possible types of intrusion, but if you follow all of these tips, you should have peace of mind even if you lose or have your device stolen. I advise you to consult this text to find out more


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